Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation RFEI

INTRODUCTION Based in New York’s Hudson Valley, the Center for Post Carbon Logistics (the Center) is engaged in a long-running campaign to bring the idea of coastal trade under sail and other zero emission vessels  back to the United States. The Center is currently focusing on turning the New York -New Jersey Harbor and Hudson …

Rondout Riverport 2040

A publication of: The Center for Post Carbon Logistics Rondout Riverport 2040© Andrew Willner 2022 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This work does not constitute an exhaustive or direct set of procedures, but points the way to developing your own plans for resilient small ports. No part of …

Comments on the Transportation Sector of the New York State Climate Action Council Draft Scoping Plan

July 1, 2022 Draft Scoping Plan CommentsNYSERDA17 Columbia CircleAlbany, NY 12203-6399 Although these comments refer primarily to the Transportation Sector, we reserve the right to comment, in writing or in person, on the final version of the Scope of Work and any draft and final versions of the New York State Climate Action Plan …

Comments by the Center for Post Carbon Logistics on the NYC Comprehensive Waterfront Plan: Working Waterfront and Transportation of Goods.

The New York Port in 2050 “Moving goods and people from place to place in a carbon constrained future will be dependent on sailing vessels, hybrid/fossil free electric ships, and people/electric, powered transport for first and last mile logistics. “ New York’s Working Waterfront has long been a key contributor to the region’s financial wellbeing …
