How to design a sailing ship for the 21st century?

Re-posted with permission from Kris De Decker and Low-tech Magazine Most images: Alan Villiers collection. Support Low-tech Magazine via Paypal or Patreon. Subscribe to the Low-tech Magazine newsletter. Buy the printed Low-tech Magazine website. It is surprisingly difficult to build a carbon neutral sailing ship. This is even more the case today, because our standards for safety, health, hygiene, …

The Northeast Grain Race

A Blog Post by Derek Ellard The Hudson River Maritime Museum, in cooperation with the Center for Post Carbon Logistics and the Northeast Grainshed Alliance, will be conducting a Grain Race in May of 2022. Contestants in four capacity categories will vie for the highest score when moving cargoes of grain from growers to producers …

Towards A Food Movement Movement.

A Blog Post by Steven Woods. Mr. Woods earned his master’s degree in Resilient and Sustainable Communities at Prescott College in 2021, with an undergraduate degree in History from LeMoyne College. He has worked in museums for over 20 years and is making a career transition to the sustainability field after 6 years in the …

Sail Freight Revival

A Master’s Thesis by Steven Woods This article is a summary of the Steven Woods’ Master’s Thesis: “Sail Freight Revival: Methods of calculating fleet, cargo, and labor needs for supplying cities by sail.” Master’s Thesis. Prescott College, 2021. The full thesis can be read Here. Steven Woods earned his master’s degree in Resilient and Sustainable …

Building Future Proof Liberty Ships

Locally built, from locally sourced and recycled materials, crewed with locally trained mariners, home ported along the Hudson, the Harbor, and the canals, carrying locally grown, locally processed, and locally manufactured goods – with liberty from fossil fuels, these future proof ships will be a positive disruption to the status quo. Future Proof Liberty Ships …

New age of sail looks to slash massive maritime carbon emissions

Originally Posted on Mongabay News & Inspiration, Mongabay Series: Covering the Commons, Oceans, Planetary Boundaries March 15 2021, Author Andrew Willner Mongabay video New Age of Sail is available here. Schooner Apollonia a Hudson River Sail Freight vessel operating now If ocean shipping were a country, it would be the sixth-largest carbon emitter, releasing more CO2 annually than …

Rondout Riverport 2040

A Post Carbon Gateway to the Hudson Valley and the World  A Comprehensive Plan for a Working Waterfront and the Transportation of Goods and People in a Carbon Constrained Future Summary: Rondout Riverport 2040 proposes a pragmatic, positive, and prosperous vision for the near future in which the communities of Kingston and Esopus are enriched …

Wellbeing Farm, a “Slow Tech Living Laboratory” for the Hudson Valley Bioregion

Summary: Harvest the Past to Power the Future Wellbeing Farm will explore an array of innovative heritage and leading-edge technologies by which individuals, communities, and the Hudson Valley Bioregion can thrive in decades ahead – designing and realizing pragmatic, environmentally and economically sound tools for peacefully, equitably, and intelligently transitioning away from fossil fuels. Imagine …

How Our Maritime Past Can Serve a Carbon-Constrained Future

This post originally appeared on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s Riverwise website on June 25, 2020 The Hudson, the River that flows both ways has been a transportation corridor for hundreds of years before Europeans first saw it.  The Hudson rises in the mountains at Lake Tear of the Clouds in Essex County, NY and empties into …

Building Lifeboats – Building Community

NAVIGATING UNCHARTED TERRITORY “‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire The sinking of the Titanic is horribly memorable for many reasons, but one stands out above all: that so many lives were needlessly lost due to “if only” or “what if.” The “unsinkable” vessel lacked sufficient lifeboats to …
